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tyFlow's PhysX pipeline is closely tied to its rig skinning system. Combining the two makes it easy to simulate effects like rigidbody deformations. In this example, vehicles are skinned with rigidbodies connected together by tyFlow PhysX constraints. tyFlow's constraint deformation system allows for local deformations to form when portions of the constraint network undergo enough stress. The result is a deformable surface that maintains its overall rigidity, similar to how an actual car's exterior can be dented and damaged. Dynamic fracturing was also added to each window, allowing for glass to smash on impact. Since every part of the system is controlled procedurally by tyFlow, it is quick and easy to iterate and tweak. #tyflow #autodesk #physx #procedural #generative #animation #cloth #rigidbody #softbody #simulation #cg #3d #vfx #3dsmax #particles #mdcommunity #mgcollective #ssequential #plsur #chaosgroup #vray

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After posting my car crash video, some people wanted a closer look at the tyFlow interface and workflow.Here's a short example showing how the deformation setup was achieved. Although this video doesn't include some details (doors/hood/tires breaking off, windows smashing, etc), it gives a basic outline of the overall system.The key difference you'll notice between this video and a typical PhysX setup in Particle Flow, is that here we're constructing a rig consisting of skinned meshes and other props outside of our main tyFlow, and then importing the entire thing into tyFlow as a spawnable prefab. The car is not a static shape assigned to a single particle -- it is a 1:1 translation of scene objects into particles, and a 1:1 conversion of skin modifiers into equivalent deformations within tyFlow. Once they're in the flow, the particles are treated normally by any additional operators. This flexibility gives you full control over the rig, while tyFlow seamlessly handles the PhysX calculations, skinning, etc. As you can see, it takes very few steps to get a decent result. Of course, a more realistic approach for this example would require additional structural supports added to the car frame, different mass values assigned to heavier/lighter parts of the car, breakable windows, detachable doors, rolling wheels, etc...all things that are certainly possible within tyFlow as well.

Tyson Ibeleさんの投稿 2019年2月16日土曜日

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tyFlow's unified particle solver makes it really easy to mix different forces and effects. Here I imported several high resolution 3D body scans into tyFlow and converted them into cloth. Then I advected and tore them using a PhoenixFD fluid simulation. tyFlow features a custom cloth tearing solver that can compute a huge numbers of individual cloth tears in very little time. Despite each of these meshes having over a million faces, tyFlow only took a few seconds per frame to perform all the necessary computations. 3D scans from: #tyflow #autodesk #physx #procedural #generative #animation #cloth #rigidbody #softbody #simulation #cg #3d #vfx #3dsmax #particles #mdcommunity #mgcollective #ssequential #plsur #chaosgroup #vray #phoenixfd

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tyFlow now features complex crowd simulation capabilities. It allows you to convert arbitrary rigs into dynamic tyFlow actors, blend smoothly between animation clips and maintain full control over all individual bodyparts at all times. You can easily convert actors into PhysX ragdolls and back again on the fly, have characters drop their props, lose limbs, trigger events, drive their rigidbody motion with keyframes, etc. tyFlow's fast, multi-threaded skinning system means the deforming meshes of your actors update as quickly as possible, and tyFlow has no trouble managing thousands of individual rigs simultaneously. This particular example was inspired by Dave Fothergill's fantastic crowd simulation demo from years ago. #tyflow #autodesk #physx #procedural #generative #animation #crowd #crowdsim #miarmy #golaem #simulation #cg #3d #vfx #3dsmax #houdini #cinema4d #maya #particles #mdcommunity #mgcollective #ssequential #plsur #chaosgroup #vray

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In this example of tyFlow's crowd system, hundreds of animated cyclists are sent along a curve using a path follow operator. tyFlow keeps them oriented to their travel direction, with a banking setting enabled which causes them to lean into their turns. On impact, each character is automatically converted into a dynamic PhysX ragdoll. PhysX bindings are set to break at certain velocities, so that helmets can fly off, and wheels can detach. tyFlow ensures velocities are maintained when switching rigidbodies from kinematic to dynamic mode, so that inertia is not lost during the transition. Despite the complexity of the scene, the whole thing simulates in just a couple of minutes, thanks to tyFlow's efficient multithreading. #tyflow #autodesk #physx #procedural #generative #animation #crowd #crowdsim #miarmy #golaem #simulation #cg #3d #vfx #3dsmax #houdini #cinema4d #maya #particles #mdcommunity #mgcollective #ssequential #plsur #chaosgroup #vray

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tyFlow's crowd simulation capabilities are not limited to humanoid characters. In this example, two thousand worms (fully rigged with splineIK and FFD animated surface deformations) are transformed into a writhing, mutating mass. tyFlow's pose matching system makes it easy to project keyframed animation onto dynamic PhysX rigidbodies, allowing for art-directed twisting and turning of the individual worms, while maintaining physically accurate collisions between all of them. Localized attraction forces acting on the worms cause them to push and pull towards a hidden surface, which ultimately results in the formation of the slithering monster. In total, 30,000 joint-articulated rigidbodies are present in the scene, and the 600-frame sequence simulates in about 30 minutes. Despite the overall complexity of the final result, the whole setup is maintained within just a few tyFlow events and operators, which keeps the workflow light and makes tweaks and changes easy to implement. #tyflow #autodesk #physx #procedural #generative #animation #crowd #crowdsim #miarmy #golaem #simulation #cg #3d #vfx #3dsmax #houdini #cinema4d #maya #particles #mdcommunity #mgcollective #ssequential #plsur #chaosgroup #vray #creepy #nightmarefuel

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After months of research and development, tyFlow's granular solver is nearly complete. It's fast, supports OpenCL GPU acceleration, and can easily handle a huge number of particles. Here you can see the result of 8 million particles simulated to interact and collide with an animated character, resulting in the formation of all sorts of interesting structures, fracture patterns, piles and spills. This new solver is fully integrated into tyFlow's global constraint solver, so granular particles can interact with cloth, ropes, softbodies, etc. tyFlow's simple interface makes it easy to design complex simulations like this without much hassle, while still giving users tons of control over the behavior of each particle. #tyflow #autodesk #physx #procedural #generative #animation #grain #sand #simulation #cg #3d #vfx #3dsmax #particles #mdcommunity #mgcollective #ssequential #plsur #chaosgroup #vray #creepy #sandman

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tyFlow's cloth solver is fully compatible with its crowd simulation abilities...and crowd actors don't have to be actual characters...they can take any form. Here I created a basic balloon model (mesh balloon + spline string) and imported it straight into tyFlow as a crowd actor. I then scattered 3000 of them over an animated character mesh, binding the end of each string to the character's surface. With a simple operator setup, all balloons were then converted to cloths and all splines were converted to ropes. An inflation force was also added to each balloon, giving them all some internal pressure. At random points in time, balloons were allowed to detach and float away. The result is a fully dynamic crowd simulation featuring balloons as individual actors with a lot of interesting details and motion. #tyflow #autodesk #physx #procedural #generative #animation #cloth #softbody #simulation #cg #3d #vfx #3dsmax #particles #mdcommunity #mgcollective #ssequential #plsur #chaosgroup #vray

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tyFlowは3ds MaxのParticle Flowの非公式の代替品です。
これは単なるParticle Flowのアップグレードではありません。むしろ、現代のマルチコアシステムの可能な限り高速化と省電力化に重点を置いた設計理念によりゼロから作成されました。そのレイアウト、UI、ワークフローはParticle Flowのものと非常によく似ているので、過去にParticle Flowを使用した経験のある人なら誰でも切り替えることができます。

  • tyFlowとParticle Flowの違いは次のとおりです
  • tyFlowのコア機能はすべてマルチスレッドです
  • tyFlowは自動リアルタイムタイムラインキャッシュを持っています
  • tyFlowのパーティクル コリジョン エンジンは高速で堅牢です
  • tyFlowは剛体シミュレーションに最新のPhysX SDKを使用します
  • tyFlowは粒/布/ロープ/その他をシミュレートするための高速でOpenCLで加速されたコンストレインソルバーを持っています
  • tyFlowには、粒子の軌跡、近傍、拘束を動的スプラインに変換するための組み込みツールがあります
  • tyFlowオブジェクトは自己完結型であり、隠されたオブジェクトはシーン内で作成も管理もされません
  • tyFlowは動的メッシュ破壊のための多くの組み込みの破砕ツールを持っています
  • tyFlowは素早いパーティクル初期化と階層キャッシングのためのシミュレーションカスケードをサポートします
  • tyFlowはシミュレーションリタイミングをサポートします
  • tyFlowは群集ミュレーションツールを内蔵しています
  • tyFlowは動的メッシュ分割と破砕オペレータを持っています
  • tyFlowは、完全なパーティクル制御のための高速マルチスレッドC#スクリプティングサポートを持っています
  • tyFlowにはPRT /オブジェクト/キャッシュエクスポートが組み込まれています
  • tyFlowは統合されPhoenixFDとグリッド パーティクルインフルエンス/移流をサポートしています
  • tyFlowはNitrousと統合され、ビューポートのインスタンス化をサポートします
  • tyFlowはVRayと統合され、レンダリングインスタンス化をサポートします
  • tyFlowは、エクスポートをレンダーファームにバッチ処理するためのDeadlineと統合されています
  • tyFlowには、Particle Flowには見られない他の多くのユニークな機能があります
